Fellow's Talk

Presentations by Ignacio Carvajal Regidor and Corinna Zeltsman

MacMillan Reading Room, John Carter Brown Library

94 George Street

This event is free and open to the public.


two images, the first showing printed text in Spanish and Kaqchikel and the second showing a printer with printing press

Please join us for presentations by JCB Fellows Ignacio Carvajal Regidor and Corinna Zeltsman.

Ignacio Carvajal Regidor (The University of Kansas, Maury A. Bromsen Memorial Fellow) presents "Ri utz'ib'axik ri ojer tzij: Writing the traditions - Reducción, Religion, and Indigenous Languages in the Highlands of Guatemala." This presentation will be a brief overview of my current research, which focuses on writing, evangelization, and indigenous languages and cultures during the early colonial period in Guatemala. Specifically, it will refer to the concept of reducción and the interpretative uses that I argue it can have in analyzing texts from the period (in indigenous languages and otherwise). I will present a few examples from the JCB collection, mainly in Kaqchikel and K'iche'.

Corinna Zeltsman (Georgia Southern University, William Reese Company/John Alden Memorial Fellow) presents "Ink Under the Fingernails: Printing Politics in Late Colonial Mexico." Far from simply serving as a channel for the author's will, printing technologies allowed printers to shape literate culture and intervene in debates about the social boundaries of the lettered city and the meanings of print. Drawing on the JCB's collection of gazettes, pamphlets, and broadsides, my talk explores late colonial Mexico's rich world of printing culture and examines how printers participated in the political transformations that reshaped Mexico from colony to republic.