Fresh Ink: Substance and Seduction by Kathryn E. Sampeck
Congratulations to former fellow Kathryn E. Sampeck (Donald L. Saunders Fellow, 2008-09) on the publication of Substance and Seduction: Ingested Commodities in Early Modern Mesoamerica (University of Texas Press, November 2017), co-edited with Stacey Schwartzkopf. This interdisciplinary anthology reveals how the consumption of seductive ingestibles, such as chocolate, pulque, and peyote, links colonization and commodification in Mesoamerica. Contributors explore how the individual pleasures of consumption were shaped by social, cultural, economic, and political forces. The anthology features essays from former fellows Martin Nesvig (National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow, 2007-08) and Joan Bristol (Ruth and Lincoln Ekstrom Fellow, 1999-00). Former fellow Marcy Norton, who has held several fellowships at the JCB over the years (most recently a National Endowment for the Humanities/InterAmericas Fellowship in 2016-17) wrote the foreword. The Library is thrilled to see collaboration among its former fellows and extends its congratulations to all!