The JCB Launches “Simon Bolivar, The Libertador: A Virtual Experience in the Bromsen Room"

We’re delighted to unveil today a new virtual exhibit, and we invite you to explore “Simon Bolivar, The Libertador: A Virtual Experience in the Bromsen Room" at
This exhibit was originally designed in 2000 to mark both an extraordinary gift from Maury Bromsen, collector, bookdealer, scholar, and longtime friend to the JCB, and to share his collection of Bolivariana. The materials within the exhibit are a selection from that collection, including portraits of Bolivar and earlier military leaders of the colonial period.
The virtual exhibit accompanies a project to catalog and digitize the Bromsen collection of Bolivariana. It can not only be viewed in the exhibit, but will also be searchable and viewable on the new digital platform the JCB will launch this spring. With a click, each item in the virtual exhibit links to its digital record, with more information about the item, its maker and dating, and more. This work brings the Bromsen collection more fully into the JCB’s collection through cataloging and thus both better discovery—and access.
We hope you enjoy visiting the exhibit and we invite comments on the exhibit, which is in a draft form. We will be collecting comments through the summer of 2023 for a revision and final publication of the virtual exhibit with the annual Bromsen lecture to be held in October.
Visit the Virtual Experience