The documents selected here highlight the conflict between the supposed 'economic advantages' of slavery and the moral, political and religious arguments against this terrible crime, in the United States and beyond.
• Malachy Postlethwayt, The national and private advantages of the African trade considered being an enquiry…, London, 1746 [catalog record (JOSIAH)]
• Anthony Benezet, A Caution to Great Britain and her colonies, in a short representation of the calamitous state of the enslaved Negroes in the British dominions, London, 1767 [catalog record (JOSIAH)]
• Thomas Clarkson, An essay on the impolicy of the African slave trade…, London, 1788 [catalog record (JOSIAH)]
• William Wilberforce, A Letter on the Abolition of the Slave Trade…, London, 1807 [catalog record (JOSIAH)]
• Abridgement of the Minutes of the Evidence taken before a Committee of the Whole House, London, 1789 [catalog record (JOSIAH)]
• Substance of the debates on a resolution for abolishing the slave trade..., London, 1806 [catalog record (JOSIAH)]
• Samuel Hopkins, A dialogue, concerning the slavery of the Africans;..Norwich, Connecticut, 1776 [catalog record (JOSIAH)]
• Isidro de Antillón, Disertacion sobre el origen de la esclavitud de los negros..., Mallorca, 1811 [catalog record (JOSIAH)]
• Don Francisco Arias de Villaruel, Contador disputado de la aueria de la Real Audiencia, y casa de la contratacion de las Indias, que reside en la ciudad de Sevilla por Su Magestad,… [Seville, 1667-1672] [catalog record (JOSIAH)]
• José Blanco White, Bosquexo del comercio en esclavos: : y reflexiones sobre este tráfico considerado moral, politica, y cristianamente, London, 1814 [catalog record (JOSIAH)]
• Société des amis des noirs, Réflexions sur le code noir, et dénonciation d'un crime affreux, commis a Saint-Domingue…Paris, 1790 [catalog record (JOSIAH)]