
Our Fellows

JCB Fellow Asiel Sepúlveda, a PhD Candidate in Art History at Southern Methodist University studying the visual productions that emerged from the British occupation of Havana in 1762, completed his two-month Jeannette D. Black Memorial Fellowship in September and October 2018. While in residence, Asiel...

Our Fellows

Congratulations to former JCB fellow Christopher M. Parsons on the publication of A Not-So-New World: Empire and Environment in French Colonial North America, available this month from the University of Pennsylvania Press. Parsons, Assistant Professor of History at Northeastern University, illustrates how the French...

While a group of Spanish-speaking scholars from around the globe were in deep research mode at the Library this summer, several had the idea to put the Library’s oft-stated commitment to multi-lingual research, collaboration, and discussion to the test. The result was “Diálogos,” a new series...


The staff and scholarly community of the John Carter Brown Library stand with the Brazilian people and all those who believe in the importance of history in the wake of the September 2, 2018 fire at the Museu Nacional in Rio de Janeiro. As an...

Our Fellows

Kudos to former JCB Fellow Martin Nesvig on the publication of Promiscuous Power (University of Texas Press, 2018), a “rowdy, raunchy, and violent life histories from the archives.” Through a case study of local agents in the province of Michoacán in western Mexico, Nesvig...

In House

At the 2018 New York Book Fair, the JCB purchased an intriguing little blue pamphlet: an 1807 almanac printed in Saint-Pierre, Martinique. This pocket almanac is exactly the kind of everyday printed work that would have been in the possession of merchants in early 19...